
Add Commission Agent using Search by Agent ID

Sales Agent Search and Set on Website Shop Order

Commission Sales Agent Search and Set on Sales Order Ecommerce

This app allows your customer to search and set a sales agent / external agent using unique agent id while purchasing from your website shop. When sales order will be generated from website shop order by customer then system will automatically set Sales agent on commission and same time if you have set salesperson configuration on customer form for website order then system will also consider and add sales person in commission list.

Main Features :
  • User ID field is editable by admin users only. While editing, if the unique-id conflicts with existing unique-id, an error message would pop up.
  • There is a search filter where unique-id would return corresponding users.
  • This app allows your customers to search an agent by his/her unique portal id and then after search they can add him/her as an agent on ecommerce order. (Also allow them to edit an agent using the edit option shown in the screenshot below). (Please note that both options will never work together.).
  • You can also check.( depends app.
  • For details about commission process in backend you can check dependant app (
  • Allow you to configure in backend settings whether your website customer will see agent selection option or agent search option button and it completely depends on your backend settings and it will be applicable to all the customers on your website shop.

Check App Here
