Physical Record Management
Physical Records Management in Odoo
Records Management
This app allows physical records managers to manage physical records of your company.
Main Features:
- Allow you create and manage physical records of your records. You can create new records or you can also transfer records from one location to another location.
- Allow you to manage the life cycle of your records using stages on record management.
- Allow you to create and manage a Destruction request for records under records menu.
- Allow you to create and manage physical tags.
- Allow you to create and manage record types.
- Allow you to create and manage methods stages.
- Allow you to create and manage record names.
- Allow you to create and manage physical locations.
Menu Items Available:
- Records
- Records
- Physical Document Records
- Record Destruction Requests
- Configurations
- Physical Tags
- Record Types
- Record Methods
- Record Stages
- Record Names
- Physical Locations