
Hide Chatter for Restricted User

Restrict Messages and Internal Notes to Restricted User to View

Hide Followers for Restricted Users

Hide Inbox under Discuss for Restricted Users

This app hides Chatter Messages / Internal Notes, Chatter Send message / Log note Buttons, Discuss (Inbox, Starred, and History), and Chatter Follower Section to restricted users as shown in below screenshots.

Main Features:

  • This app hides Chatter Messages / Internal Notes on the form view chatter if you set it Hide Chatter Messages / Notes on user form to make that user restricted user.
  • This app hides Chatter Send message / Log note Buttons on form view chatter if you set it Hide Chatter Send message / Log note Buttons on user form to make that user restricted user.
  • This app hides Chatter Follower Section on form view chatter if you set it Hide Chatter Follower Section on user form to make that user restricted user.
  • This app hides Inbox, Starred, and History menus on Discuss if you set it Hide Discuss (Inbox, Starred, and History) Buttons on user form to make that user restricted user.

Check App Here
